Article 5 European Agreement Au Pair Placement

The European Agreement on Au Pair Placement (EAAPP) is a legally binding agreement between European countries that sets out minimum standards for the placement and treatment of au pairs. The agreement ensures that both au pairs and host families receive fair and just treatment, and that the cultural exchange aspects of the au pair program are preserved.

Article 5 of the EAAPP outlines the minimum requirements for the placement of an au pair. These requirements stipulate that the au pair must:

1. Have agreed to participate in the program voluntarily and have a genuine interest in cultural exchange.

2. Be between the ages of 18 and 30 (35 in some countries) on the first day of the program.

3. Have no dependent children.

4. Be single (or in exceptional cases, married and without children) and not living with their partner.

5. Have a basic knowledge of the language spoken in the host country.

6. Not have previously participated in the au pair program in the same country.

7. Be provided with private accommodation, which may be within the family home.

8. Receive pocket money in accordance with the laws and custom of the host country.

9. Be given time off to attend language classes or other cultural activities.

10. Not work for more than 30 hours per week, or more than 5 hours per day.

11. Be provided with sufficient free time to carry out their own activities.

12. Be provided with reasonable meals and have access to kitchen facilities.

These requirements ensure that both the au pair and host family are aware of their rights and responsibilities prior to the placement. It also ensures that the cultural exchange aspect of the program is preserved, as the au pair is given ample time to attend language classes and participate in cultural activities.

It is important for both the au pair and host family to fully understand and abide by Article 5 of the EAAPP to ensure a successful and positive experience for all parties involved. By adhering to these requirements, both the au pair and host family can experience the benefits of cultural exchange and create lifelong connections.

Autor: La Replica

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